Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Home Facial Products

The skin care industry is always promoting new products and new ingredients. One of the most recent trends is a return to more natural ingredients. This means that you can now find, purchase, and use products that contain fruit extracts and other natural ingredients.

Nevertheless, the most natural skin products are still the ones you can make by yourself. Your pantry and refrigerator contain a wealth of products that can help you battle skin problems, from acne to aging skin. But if you do decide to try this type of product, keep in mind that the results will not be immediate.

Here is a general overview of some of the natural remedies used to help you deal with skin wrinkles, sagging and dull skin, and age spots. And before using any one of these products, remember to do a patch test to make sure that you are not allergic to them.

Rejuvenate your Skin with Citrus:

Vitamin C is the quintessential anti-aging ingredient. It helps treat damaged skin and it stimulates the production of collagen. Traditional facial products usually contain this antioxidant ingredient.

Here's a recipe that you can whip up from products that you easily find in your kitchen. Take whipping cream and mix it with lemon and orange juice. Apply this mixture to your skin, massage lightly, and rinse off using a damp towel and warm water.

Aloe Vera & Anti-aging Ingredients

The inclusion of aloe vera is a very common in various types of skin care products. When used in anti aging products it helps make the skin firmer and more elastic. This action immediately reduces the appearance wrinkles.

You can have your own homemade remedy by cutting open a stalk and applying the gel directly to your skin. Keep in mind that it can cause slight irritation, but it will pass quickly. If the stinging sensation bothers you, dilute the aloe vera with water or mix it with olive oil before applying it to your skin.

An Inexpensive Face Lift: Egg Whites

Egg whites are a great way of treating the skin around your eyes because they gently tighten sagging skin and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Make sure to be gentle when applying any product to this area.

This is also a very simple skin care recipe. Simply beat the eggs whites until they are foamy. Once the egg whites are ready, apply it to your skin, let dry, and rinse off with warm water. Some people have claimed to added honey or almond flour to the mix.


A Natural Facial Product for WrinklesMilk is a great anti-wrinkle product that can help tighten your skin. Use is quite simple, all you have to do is apply the milk to your face and neck and rinse off before going to bed.
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This blog will give you guidelines to consider when selecting facial skin care products. It will also tell you about the forms of facial skin care products and how to make sure the product you purchase works for you

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